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5 Best High-Intensity Workouts to Improve Stamina for Agniveer Physical Fitness Exam

The Agniveer Physical Fitness Examination evaluates the physiological capacities of young aspirants through four rounds - 1.6 Km run, pull-ups (beams), 9-feet ditch, and zig-zag balance. Candidates must be physically fit to sustain in all 4 rounds and perform at the peak of their capacities. Out of all 4 rounds, the activity that consumes the most stamina is 1.6 Km Running. To perform well in this activity, you must build exceptional stamina and endurance to complete this run in the minimum possible time. The ideal duration to complete this run and receive a full score is 5 minutes 30 seconds. Since it is one of the most crucial Agniveer Physical Fitness rounds, it is significant to structure the workout routine in a way that it consists of exercises that specifically help to increase stamina and endurance.  

High-Intensity Workouts to Improve Stamina 

1. Long Runs 

This set of running exercises improves the delivery of oxygen to your working muscles, strengthening your muscles, tendons, and ligaments. This physiology is beneficial as it improves your performance and builds high levels of stamina in your body. When you run at a steady pace for a long duration, your body adapts to this routine and helps you sustain physical activity without experiencing fatigue. Fatigue often results in physical pain and nausea, which can hinder your performance in the exam. Therefore, to prevent such limitations, candidates should practice running over long distances (greater than 6 kilometers) to develop stamina and muscular endurance.  

2. Stair Climbing 

The best no-equipment exercise, stair climbing works major muscle groups and increases blood circulation throughout the body. It increases the heart rate and improves the delivery of oxygen to muscles. It helps to reduce the effects of fatigue and sustain the activity for a long time. Moreover, stair climbing involves lifting the body against gravity, this repetitive effort builds your muscular endurance and increases stamina. Every day, candidates must climb more than 1000 stairs to build the required stamina and perform well in a 1.6 Km run.  

3. Rope Jumping 

One of our personal favorites, jumping rope is an effective workout to increase stamina and run faster. It makes your footwork faster and increases your stamina and agility, which are significant to achieving the goal of completing 1.6 Km within 5 minutes and 30 seconds. If you are a candidate who has just begun their training, you should aim for jumping at least 50-100 times. Try to aim for 2 rounds each day. Then, increase the count by adding 50-70 each week. However, for those who have been athletes before, the count of 200-250 for 2-3 rounds is apt for developing the required stamina.  

4. Cycling 

The best activity for sustained stamina training, cycling causes the minimum impact on muscles and joints and increases stamina. It facilitates continuous cardiovascular activity and improves the efficiency of the heart and lungs, leading to improved stamina. The best thing about this activity is that it allows you to manipulate your workout intensity by adjusting speed and resistance during cycling. This variation helps you control your speed and manipulate it while running. Moreover, cycling allows you to sustain physical activities for a longer duration without experiencing fatigue. Aspirants should aim to cycle at least 3 to 6 hours per week.  

5. Swimming 

Many aspirants choose swimming as a part of their army physical fitness workouts. It is because this activity includes several repetitions and applies cross-training concepts that develop and strengthen diverse muscles, including quads, hamstrings, biceps, inner thighs, deltoids, pecs, and core. It is a holistic workout activity that works your body against the resistance of water, improves your lung capacity, and increases your overall endurance without impacting your bones and joints. In addition, it keeps your body weight in check, builds stamina, and tones muscles.  

The Bottom Line 

The Agniveer physical fitness exam evaluates the candidates based on multiple rounds. All these rounds require the candidates to possess significant levels of strength, stamina, and endurance to score well and advance to further levels of the examination. The above moderate to high-intensity workouts can help aspiring candidates improve their stamina by significant levels and develop and strengthen muscles to deliver peak performance. Having said that, every candidate should assess their fitness levels and check for any underlying health condition before commencing their physical fitness journey to exclude any possibility of physical threat.

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