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10 Best Yoga Poses to Improve Lung Capacity

With soaring pollution and dust levels in the environment, where COVID pandemic has already created a constant threat upon our respiratory health, taking care of our lungs has become crucial to lead a balanced and healthy life. Thus, it is essential to adopt healthy ways that help in cleansing the respiratory system to improve lung capacity. One of the simplest and easiest ways is Yoga. 

The term Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word ‘yuj’ which means to unite, to join or union. There are several asanas in Yoga that aid in increasing lung capacity as well as cure lifestyle disorders, such as Thyroid, Blood Pressure, Diabetes, etc. We have listed a few Yoga poses that help in improving flexibility, strengthening chest muscles, enhancing respiratory health, and increasing longevity as well.  

1. KapalBhati Pranayam 

KapalBhati Pranayam is one of the best yoga routines for beginners that originates in Hatha Yoga i.e. an ancient yogic practice. Kapal means ‘skull’ or ‘forehead’ and Bhati means shining. Hence, KapalBhati means shining forehead. It cleanses the Shatkarma i.e. the front part of the brain. Vatakarma (wind cleansing), Shitkarma (mucous cleansing) and Vyutkarma (sinus cleansing) are three types of KapalBhati. Regular practice of KapalBhati helps in curing respiratory diseases, cleanses respiratory tract including lung capillaries and nasal passages which ultimately improves the lung capacity.  

2. Anulom Vilom Pranayam 

Anulom Vilom Pranayam is a gentle and easy movement that promotes a controlled breathing process within an individual. ‘Anu’ refers to with and ‘Loma’ refers to nostril hairs whereas ‘Vi’ refers to Viruddha or opposite. Thus, Anulom Vilom means inhaling and exhaling in opposite directions. By practising this pranayam on a daily basis, one can improve blood circulation, cleanse lungs and reduce stress. 

3. Tadasana

Tadasana is also called Samasthiti or Mountain Pose. This asana is done in a standing asana pose and thus it is a foundational yoga posture. Tadasana elongates the spine,  opens the chest and helps in improving lung capacity. It improves respiratory efficiency and enhances the functioning of lungs. It also helps in increasing strength, and improves balance, alignment and posture.

4. Marjariasana-Bitilasana

Marjariasana-Bitilasana is known as Cat - Cow Pose Yoga. In Bitilasana, ‘Bitil’ means cow and ‘Asana’ means pose. It is one of the gentle and simplest yoga poses for beginners at home. In Marjariasana, ‘Marjari’ means Cat and ‘Asana’ means pose. This asana helps in relaxation and contraction of the chest which helps in improving lung capacity. It increases breathing capacity, stamina and strengthens back, shoulders, spine, chest, core and hip region. 

5. Hasta Uttanasana

Hasta Uttanasana is also known as raised arm pose. This word comes from Sanskrit; wherein ‘Hasta’ means hand, ‘ut’ means intense, ‘tan’ means stretch and ‘asana’ means posture or yoga pose. There is an intense backward stretch that  increases the rate of oxygen in lungs, cures severe pulmonary issues like asthma, bronchitis etc., and also reduces stress. It is also the second and eleventh posture of Surya Namaskara. 

6. Vajrasana

In Vajrasana, ‘Vajra’ means diamond or thunderbolt and asana means posture or seat. This is basically a kneeling asana that can be done immediately after having a meal. On regular practice of this powerful yogasana, you can improve your digestion and breathing process. This asana improves lungs’ health and breathing capacity. 

7. Ustrasana

In Ustrasana, ‘Ustra’ means camel and ‘Asana’ means pose. Thus, this asana is also known as Camel pose. This pose is a chest-opening back bend that helps in improving lung capacity, strengthening back muscles, reducing stress and stimulating thyroid gland.

8. Balasana

In Balasana, ‘Bala’ means Child and ‘Asana’ means pose. Also, referred to as Child Pose, this asana is performed in a resting position. This pose helps the person in focusing on their breathing patterns which further helps in curing issues pertaining to chest pain, breathing problems, etc. This asana engages your rib cage and back of the abdomen with deep inhalation which ultimately helps in improving lung capacity.

9. Bhujangasana

‘Bhujang’ means Cobra and ‘Asana’ means Pose. Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose is an excellent yogasana to increase your lung capacity as it is performed in a reclining back-bending pose. By regular practising of this effective yogasana you can create more space for your lungs to expand and improve your ability to breathe deeply.

10. Matsyasana

‘Matsya’ means Fish and ‘Asana’ means pose. Matsyasana or fish pose is a reclining back-bend asana that is extremely beneficial for improving lung health and overall flexibility. It is also known as fish pose where your body resembles that of a fish while performing this yoga. This yoga is performed by making an arch in the back and then expanding the chest. This helps in enhanced oxygen exchange which helps in strengthening the respiratory tract, helps in deepening breathing and cures respiratory problems especially asthma.


India is the land where Yoga was born. Several sages and gurus have been practising Yoga from ancient times. They have preached and educated generations about the benefits of different Yogas. 

By incorporating the above mentioned best yoga poses for beginners into your daily routine, you can not only enhance your lung capacity and overall respiratory health but also gain infinite benefits. Remember, consistency is the key to achievement. 

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