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10 Stress-relieving Workouts to Maintain Good Mental Health

In today’s hectic lifestyle, stress has become an unavoidable part of our lives. During a stressed situation, the body releases hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, which increase alertness and energy. Stress can be triggered by various factors, including work deadlines, financial pressures, personal relationships, and more. Yet, we can take the first step to control stress by prioritising our mental well being. Thus, by making stress management a vital part of our routine along with evening exercises, you can balance your mental well being effectively. Additionally, these stress relieving exercises are quite simple to perform and are  suitable for individuals of any age.  

Top 10 Stress - relieving exercises to manage stress and boost mental wellness  

Whether you’re looking for a way to unwind  after a hectic day or to enhance your overall fitness, these top 10 exercises can be the best fit for our daily routine.

1. Meditation

Meditation is one of the simplest ways to bring inner peace into our stressful and hectic life. Focusing on our emotions, thoughts and sensations you can practise meditation whenever you want. There are many types of meditation, such as mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises and guided visualisation which can be done anywhere.  

  • Experience mental clarity, emotional stability and positivity
  • Brings mental peace and cures anxiety  
  • Attunes your mind to handle troublesome thoughts and manage stress   

2. Yoga

The word “yoga” itself comes from the Sanskrit word “Yuj,” which means to unite or join. During a Yoga session, our body starts releasing endorphins, also known as ‘feel good’ hormones which effectively reduce stress and promote relaxation.

There are several types of Yoga such as Hatha Yoga, Charak Samhita Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga etc wherein Pranayama specifically focuses on controlled and conscious breathing.  

  • Encourages awareness for better decision making ability
  • Improves our focus, mental clarity and overall coordination
  • Releases joint stiffness, cures muscle cramps and imparts physical fitness

3. Tai-Chi

Unlike Yoga, Tai - Chi is also considered to be a beneficial stress relieving exercise that is focused on flowing body movements and breathing techniques. Tai - Chi is known to have its roots in martial arts, and its consistent practice can calm the mind and condition the body.  

  • Strengthens muscles and improves joint movements
  • Reduced stress and anxiety  
  • Promotes mental clarity and emotional balance

4. Cycling

Cycling is an excellent outdoor activity that can bring a positive change with a dose of fresh air, which can help clear your mind. It is a great way to refresh and unwind your mind after a long hectic day. It boosts your mood and improves overall mental resilience, helping you sustain good mental health.  

  • Improves our cardiovascular fitness
  • Strengthens muscles and joint mobility
  • Promotes healthier lifestyle

5. Swimming

Being a low impact, full body exercise, swimming provides a holistic approach to maintaining mental well-being. The activity is so beneficial that it is considered one of the best evening exercises for defence aspirants considering the nature of work and stressful environments in Defence Forces.

  • Swimming releases endorphins which enhances mood and reduces anxiety
  • Manages weight and boosts endurance
  • Strength building and Increases overall stamina

6. Kickboxing

Kickboxing is a form of martial art that involves punching, kicking and footwork. While involved with both aerobic and anaerobic exercises, it is known to be the best form of ‘stress burster’ workout for people.  

  • Improves cardiovascular endurance and strengthens muscles  
  • Boosts self-confidence and discipline
  • Enhances overall flexibility and imparts mental peace  

7. Pilates

Pilates helps in calming your body and mind as well as  builds core strength and improves posture. For those who find it difficult to meditate by simply sitting still, Pilates offers an active form of meditation.

  • Pilates enhances core strength and stability
  • Promotes relaxation and reduces stress
  • Improves overall posture and alignment

8. Light jogging

Jogging is a form of aerobic exercise involving steady, moderate-paced running, which helps in improving endurance and focus. Jogging releases endorphins, thus it can be a great stress buster for those who need stress relief.  

  • Increases mobility and stamina  
  • Imparts flexibility and overall body stability without intense physical strain
  • Improves our sleep quality

9. Sleep

Deep breathing exercises activates your nervous system, promotes relaxation and reduces the body's stress response effectively.  

  • Improves mental clarity and emotional balance
  • Reduces your stress and anxiety level
  • Releases tensions and emotional blockages 

10. Dancing

Engaging in dance is a broad form of activity that uses movement to express emotions, enhances mental well being, memory, focus and creativity. Dancing irrespective of any form not only lifts your mood but also boosts your mental well-being.

  • Improves cardiovascular fitness
  • Strengthens muscles and boosts energy level
  • Enhances your mood and reduces anxiety

Helpful Tip: Sleep also plays a vital role in maintaining good mental health. A sleep tracker app can monitor sleep patterns and help you identify issues like insomnia or disrupted sleep that can contribute to stress.  


By incorporating regular stress relieving exercise into the daily routine, you can significantly contribute to mental resilience, stress management and emotional stability. You can have a balanced lifestyle that supports both mental and physical wellness, leading to more effective stress management. Thus, embrace a healthy lifestyle for a  healthy future.   

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